Barbara Tipton

British Columbia

Born and educated in the US, Tipton immigrated to Canada in 1986. She began as a maker of wheel-thrown, functional pottery, but strong interests in drawing and sculpture gradually had an affect. The objects she has exhibited over the last years are primarily sculptural (though with utilitarian references) and involve complex surfaces created by repeated layering and firing of textural glazes and slips. However, she has always produced plates, cups and teapots for use and considers this activity an important aspect of studio life.

Barbara exhibits across Canada as well as internationally; many public and corporate collections contain her work, including Nickle Arts Museum, Glenbow Museum, the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Canada Council Art Bank, San Angelo Museum of Art (Texas), Harrison Museum of Art (Utah). Her work is collected privately across Canada, the United States and England.

Originally an Albertan, Tipton moved to Salt Spring Island in 2020.